Brought to you by leaders in reproductive science
A personalized line of premium nutritional supplements to support his & her optimal reproductive health
Fertilix is an essential step towards achieving a healthy pregnancy.
Begin your journey here.

Your reproductive health in the 21st century
Knowledge is power. A healthy pregnancy and child begins with healthy parents. Learn about what factors may be affecting your fertility potential.

The Fertilix Advantage
Science matters. Backed by the latest published research, formulated with evidence-based ingredients, and personalized to your individual needs.
What are people saying?
Jennine, CA"My husband's DNA quality significantly improved."
Glenn, PA"I used Fertilix from the beginning and we conceived naturally in two months."
Gonzalo, FL"Excellent product, packaging, and customer service."
Lisa, UT"Clean, vegetarian friendly, and gluten-free supplements are so hard to find. Worth every penny!"
Robbie, TX"The Fertilix team is amazing - they really care and you get treated like a person, not a customer."
Adam, NC"Smells a little funny, but I prefer a genuine product to anything with added chemicals or unnatural ingredients."
Denise, WA"My husband and I took the FIT quiz to choose our personalized products and 9 months later the results speak for themselves :) highly recommend!"
Kathy, IL"Recommended by my OBGYN. High-quality. Fast and free shipping. So glad I switched from my old prenatal and will definitely continue."
John, NV"We started trying for a second child late into our 30's and conceived just as quickly as our first with Fertilix."